Friday, March 3, 2017

Growing in Silence

that was my 2016
please Spring come! I need new Skin and Bones..
I need new Ears
I need Water cause my tears are All gone now 
I promise I will paint my Heart again
I promise I will sculpture my Dreams again
I promise
I promise.. that I will grow my Garden again 
I promise I will find the Fountain in this desert of volcanic ashes
I will
 all the Images stolen by those hungry needles I will get back..
and the golden-needle cage I will Break in to thousend pieces 
 unchain my colored Lucid Dreams 
than I will ride the Night again..
I will hold her mane and kiss the Stars
I promise 
in Silence I will grow like a new born Child again
whispering in empty caves
and shallow forms
I am wondering in the ruins of my body
conjuring the Spring inside 
please Spring come
cause I need new Skin and Bones
give me Feet and Hands
let me Feel and Touch again
give me Love
free me from this Pain
and let my Soul be again


  1. Пролетта вече е тръгнала... Усеща се във всеки нов ден! Надявам се възраждащата й сила да те изпълни максимално и всичко да започне отначало! Защото това е напълно възможно, особено когато светът е свеж, зелен и чист!

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